• Health Coaching

    Make the changes you've always wanted to

  • How can we help you?

    What do we mean by healthy ageing? We mean that you live a long and strong life where you are untroubled now, and in the long term future, by diseases including cancer, diabetes, arthritis and dementia. We mean you don't need to worry about falling and breaking a hip. We mean you can easily get down on the floor to play with your grandchildren and that you don't suffer from back pain. That you have plenty of energy and vitality, and that your retirement is a pleasure.


    For this to happen, you need to be doing a range of things - especially eating well, getting enough exercise / movement (and the right kind!), sleeping well, managing stress, reducing inflammation, and getting the regular scans and tests you need.


    For many people, not only is health information overwhelming, but the implementation of that can also seem just too hard, especially if it requires forming new habits, or if you have tried and failed before. And you are not alone! It's really not easy to change your life without a helping hand.


    That's where we come in. Studies show that people who use the services of a health coach are 85% more likely to succeed in making lasting change.


    We provide information tailored to your exact situation and help you implement new habits with friendly and warm coaching that puts you in the driver's seat. And we help you make change achievable, gradual and sustainable so it's with you for life.


    With a range of pricing options from small groups to private sessions, we have something for everyone.

    What does a health coach do?


    Health Coaches work with clients so they can become the healthiest and happiest versions of themselves. I care deeply about and have the skills and training to influence the overall health, wellness and happiness of every client I work with.


    With a Health Coach, you create a brand new vision of health and wellbeing for your life and a redefined set of health values; I will then support you to overcome barriers and limiting beliefs and invent a personalised health strategy that you not only follow with ease, but love following too.


    Why do people need Health Coaches?

    Most people have a pretty good idea about some of the things they need to do to be healthy – and yet they don't do them. There are lots of reasons for this and so much confusion over exactly what to do; it’s hard for people to change well-ingrained lifestyle habits and to stay motivated to do it differently.


    Take weight loss as an example – studies show that up to 95% of people regain the weight they have lost and often gain more. In contrast, health coaching has been proven to increase your chance of achieving permanent change to 85%.


    It is hugely helpful to have a skilled accountability partner and a knowledgeable cheerleader to spur you on and keep you committed and accountable to achieve your vision of health and wellness. And I am trained to access your drive, motivation and commitment to lead a healthy lifestyle and to take responsibility for your health.


    I believe in turning what has traditionally been seen as a restrictive and boring ‘should-be-healthier’ process, into a life-changing, fun and exciting experience, measuring and celebrating all successes along the way!


  • What does a health coach do?

    Health Coaches work with clients so they can become the healthiest and happiest versions of themselves. I care deeply about and have the skills and training to influence the overall health, wellness and happiness of every client I work with.


    With a Health Coach, you create a brand new vision of health and wellbeing for your life and a redefined set of health values; I will then support you to overcome barriers and limiting beliefs and invent a personalised health strategy that you not only follow with ease, but love following too.


    Why do people need Health Coaches?

    Most people have a pretty good idea about some of the things they need to do to be healthy – and yet they don't do them. There are lots of reasons for this and so much confusion over exactly what to do; it’s hard for people to change well-ingrained lifestyle habits and to stay motivated to do it differently.


    Take weight loss as an example – studies show that up to 95% of people regain the weight they have lost and often gain more. In contrast, health coaching has been proven to increase your chance of achieving permanent change to 85%.


    It is hugely helpful to have a skilled accountability partner and a knowledgeable cheerleader to spur you on and keep you committed and accountable to achieve your vision of health and wellness. And I am trained to access your drive, motivation and commitment to lead a healthy lifestyle and to take responsibility for your health.


    I believe in turning what has traditionally been seen as a restrictive and boring ‘should-be-healthier’ process, into a life-changing, fun and exciting experience, measuring and celebrating all successes along the way!


    I hope to meet you very soon. x

  • About your coach

    Hi, I'm Nicola!
    Trying to make changes to your health can be really challenging. I should know. I used to eat poorly, and as a result, I was often bloated and carried a lot of weight around my middle. On top of that, I had a highly stressful job in management. But for years, although I tried again and again, I found it dificult to make significant change.


    It wasn't until I was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease that I really started to take control of my health. I transformed the way I ate, learned how to build activity that I loved into my everyday routine, and radically detoxified and de-stressed my life. And I haven't looked back.


    Now I'm a diploma-trained health coach helping others to achieve the happiness, health and peace I have found. I am passionate about establishing a Blue Zone in the Algarve and view food as medicine. If you need help with your health, I can't wait to meet you and get started.
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    Get Our Free Webinar

    Nutrition for Healthy Ageing

  • What people are saying

    Thank you Nicola for helping me to new eating habits. My blood pressure has gone down after just a few weeks.

    The advice you give is always personal and you are a experienced coach with a lot of empathy.

    I can honestly say I could recommend you to anyone who wants to have a new start in life.


    Stina Robell

    What people are saying

    "I found the program to be very beneficial. I really enjoy this way of eating and moving, it’s easy to maintain
    and I don’t feel deprived at all. Nicola has been wonderful to work with and I have already recommended her to friends
    and family. Her coaching has affected more than my health, but my daily habits
    in life and business as well. I now realise that I have the answers within me
    and by using her guidance and strategies I can achieve my goals. Having someone
    to be accountable to and to share successes with makes all the difference."


    - Natalie Creed -

    What people are saying


    "This was my first health coaching experience and I’m definitely a convert. Nicola was able to help me find my motivation, give me tools and information in a way that I was able to absorb and put into practice. She was also very adept at getting me to set my own goals and make sure that I prepare for blockers and consider how I plan to achieve my goals in a kind but
    persistent way. Overall, I have felt the benefits of some simple and achievable lifestyle adjustments in just 4 weeks of working with her. Definitely recommended."


    - Nikki Seranatne -

    What people are saying

    “Nicola helped me to be aware of habits that I hide in the realms of normalization and helped

    me unveil alternatives that got me closer to my health objectives.”


    - Juan Carlos Gonzalez - 

    What people are saying

    "Working with Nicola was a real eye-opener for me. I thought I had a pretty good diet but I came to realise it wasn’t as good as I thought! However, during the programme I learned to make better choices, start new habits and exercise a bit more self control. As a result I lost 2kg in a month and still managed to lose a little weight whilst on holiday. I feel so much better for it and will definitely keep going with the same plan."


    - Karen Mulligan -

  • Packages

    Starting from €80

    Group Coaching

    Join a group and get all the benefits of community. Transform your life with our fantastic program.

    12 week course

    • 12 x 60 minute group coaching sessions
    • Blood sugar balancing
    • Weight loss
    • Mindbody connection
    • Overcome limiting beliefs
    • Mindset coaching
    • Prevent the diseases of ageing
    • Strong community support



    You already know a bit about health, but you'd like more support. Your budget is more limited.

    Must be used within 6 weeks.

    • 1 x 90 minute health profile assessment
    • 3 x 45 minute follow-up sessions
    • Addressing key health issues
    • Blood sugar balancing
    • Group whatsapp support




    You feel lost when it comes to making the right choices and need strong support.

    Must be used within 8 weeks.

    • 1 x 90 minute health profile assessment
    • 5 x 45 minute follow-up sessions
    • Addressing a range of health issues
    • Blood sugar balancing
    • Private whatsapp support
  • Contact Us


    I provide a 30 minute no-obligation call where it will be my pleasure to provide you with some specific tips tailored to your health challenges.


    Please provide your country code as well as your phone number.

    Please note I work face-to-face in Lisbon and the Algarve (Portugal) or online anywhere in the world.